GET suppliers/v2/surveys/:survey_id
Please read the Respondent Order of Operations in order to understand the PureSpectrum targeting flow.
Qualification | Qualification Code | Conditions | Conditions Code | USeng | USeng Label (Same as generic) | USeng Sort Order | CAeng | CAeng Label | CAeng Sort Order |
gender | 211 | y | y | Gender | |||||
Male | 111 | y | y | Male | 1 | ||||
Female | 112 | y | y | Female | 2 | ||||
age | 212 | y | y | Age | |||||
houseHoldIncome | 213 | y | y | Income | |||||
race | 214 | y | y | Race | |||||
White | 111 | y | y | White | 1 | ||||
Hispanic | 112 | y | |||||||
African American | 113 | y | y | Black | 2 | ||||
Asian | 114 | y | y | Asian | 3 | ||||
American Indian | 115 | y | |||||||
Middle Eastern | 116 | y | |||||||
Other ethnicity | 117 | y | y | Other | 6 | ||||
Native American, Inuit or Aleut | 118 | y | Native American, Inuit or Aleut | 4 | |||||
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander | 119 | y | Pacific Islander | 5 | |||||
Prefer not to answer | 120 | y | Prefer not to answer | 7 | |||||
employments | 215 | y | y | ||||||
Unemployed | 111 | y | y | Unemployed | 1 | ||||
a Student | 112 | y | y | a Student | 2 | ||||
Part-Time | 113 | y | y | Part-time | 3 | ||||
Full Time | 114 | y | y | Full-time | 4 | ||||
Retired | 115 | y | y | Retired | 5 | ||||
Contract, Freelance or Temporary Employee | 116 | y | Contract, Freelance or Temporary Employee | 6 | |||||
None of the above | 117 | y | None of the above | 7 | |||||
educations | 216 | y | y | ||||||
Some high school | 111 | y | y | Some High School | 1 | ||||
High School Graduate | 112 | y | y | High School Diploma | 2 | ||||
Some College | 113 | y | y | Some University | 3 | ||||
Bachelor's Degree | 114 | y | y | University Degree | 4 | ||||
Master's Degree | 115 | y | |||||||
Some Postgraduate | 117 | y | Some Postgraduate | 5 | |||||
Graduate/Post Graduate Degree | 118 | y | Post Graduate Degree | 6 | |||||
Doctorate Degree | 116 | y | |||||||
Prefer not to answer | 119 | y | Prefer not to answer | 7 | |||||
relationships | 217 | y | |||||||
Single | 111 | y | y | Single | 1 | ||||
Engaged | 112 | y | Engaged | 2 | |||||
Living with a Partner | 113 | y | y | Living with a Partner | 3 | ||||
Married | 114 | y | y | Married | 4 | ||||
Divorced | 115 | y | y | Divorced | 5 | ||||
Widowed | 116 | y | y | Widowed | 6 | ||||
Prefer not to answer | 117 | y | Prefer not to answer | 7 | |||||
Children | 218 | y | y | ||||||
No Children | 111 | y | y | No Children | 1 | ||||
Have Children | 112 | y | y | Have Children | 2 | ||||
device | 219 | y | y | ||||||
Desktop | 111 | y | y | Desktop | 1 | ||||
Mobile | 112 | y | y | Mobile | 2 | ||||
Tablet | 113 | y | y | Tablet | 3 | ||||
Kids Gender | 220 | y | y | ||||||
Boy | 111 | y | y | Boy | 1 | ||||
Girl | 112 | y | y | Girl | 2 | ||||
Kids Age | 230 | (This in conjunction with Kids Age Unit indicates the age of the kid) | y | ||||||
Location-Nationally Representative | 222 | y | |||||||
regions | 223 | y | |||||||
Northeast | 1 | y | |||||||
Midwest | 2 | y | |||||||
South | 3 | y | |||||||
West | 4 | y | |||||||
divisions | 224 | y | |||||||
New England | 1 | y | |||||||
Middle Atlantic | 2 | y | |||||||
East North Central | 3 | y | |||||||
West North Central | 4 | y | |||||||
South Atlantic | 5 | y | |||||||
East South Central | 6 | y | |||||||
West South Central | 7 | y | |||||||
Mountain | 8 | y | |||||||
Pacific | 9 | y | |||||||
states | 225 | y | |||||||
Use spreadsheet for name and codes | y | ||||||||
msa | 226 | y | |||||||
No need to map - Uses zipcodes with qual code 229 | y | ||||||||
cbsa | 227 | y | |||||||
No need to map - Uses zipcodes with qual code 229 | y | ||||||||
county | 228 | y | |||||||
No need to map - Uses zipcodes with qual code 229 | y | ||||||||
zipcodes | 229 | y | |||||||
Use real zipcodes | y | ||||||||
dma | 231 | Use spreadsheet for name and codes | y | ||||||
Canadian postalcode FSA | 232 | Uses only the first 3 of the respondents postal code | yn | ||||||
provinces | 233 | y | |||||||
Alberta | 1 | y | |||||||
British Columbia | 2 | y | |||||||
Manitoba | 3 | y | |||||||
New Brunswick | 4 | y | |||||||
Newfoundland and Labrador | 5 | y | |||||||
Nova Scotia | 7 | y | |||||||
Northwest Territory | 6 | y | |||||||
Nunavut | 8 | y | |||||||
Ontario | 9 | y | |||||||
Prince Edward Island | 10 | y | |||||||
Quebec | 11 | y | |||||||
Saskatchewan | 12 | y | |||||||
Yukon | 13 | y |