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Profiling Info on Children

If you would like to pass in respondent criteria that pertains to the age and gender of their children, please follow the format &218=112&220_1=111&230_1=120&220_2=2&230=12 where 218=112 is a required parameter signifying that the respondent is a parent. 

220 is gender of child, 230 is age of child in months. 

the suffix _1 indicates child 1, _2 indicates child 2, etc.  We accept information for up to 5 children.  Additional items will be ignored, and duplicate items will be ignored as well.

In the above example, the respondent is a parent of 2 children, a boy age 10, and a girl age 1.


Please note that we will ignore qualification codes with condition code=null, and any additional condition codes beyond the first condition code for singlepunch questions.
