Reviewing Our Redirect Links
Redirect links will pass information back to you once a respondent’s session ends on the PureSpectrum platform. We require 2 redirect links, but also have additional redirect options to track blacklisted respondents and instances when there are no surveys available. The same set of redirects will be used for all countries.
Complete: track users who complete a survey and should receive a payout
Terminate: track users who do not complete a survey and are not eligible for a payout. You can use this for all statuses that aren’t Complete if you don’t want to track Blacklist or No Survey statuses
Blacklist: Very useful to track security term statuses such as hashing failure and third-party flags that we deem major quality concerns.
Users returned on this redirect should be blocked from our surveys going forward.
No Surveys: If you want to track or manage users who entered our system but did not match any surveys. This can be a useful metric for knowing when to potentially experiment with other CPI amounts or hold off on sending that user back into Fusion for a bit.
We strongly recommend including redirect links for all four statuses as this provides more insight into survey performance.
Inputting Your Links
When inputting your links:
Only include the part of the link before the question mark.
Do not include parameter names here (those are defined below)
Default Redirect links:
If you are using an S2S callback and do not wish to provide or specify redirect links, you can implement default links for each of the 4 respondent outcomes.
No Surveys Available:
Redirect Parameter Mapping:
Outgoing variables will be passed from PureSpectrum to you, the supplier, via a redirect link once a respondent’s session ends on the PureSpectrum platform. In most cases, Incoming and Outgoing variables are often the same. You also have the option to include the Survey ID and Survey LOI variables that may have been mapped in the previous section.
Example Complete Redirect[SupplierSessionID]&memberId=[SupplierUserMemberID]&asr_s_hash=123abc456def91011xyz&surveyID=[123456]&LOI=[12]