Call this API to view the quota for the survey. You can check out the Criteria section and look for the qualification and condition codes.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access-token | string | Yes | Token used to identify the authenticity of the user. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
quota_id | integer | Quota ID |
Criteria | Object | Contains Qualification codes and their corresponding condition codes |
qualification_code | integer | 218 for Children , 220 fro Kid's Gender and 230 for Kid's age. |
condition_codes | integer | For 218, 111 stands for No children and 112 for having children. |
GET /suppliers/v2/surveys/:survey_id Host: access-token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
"quotas": [
"quota_id": "c0013c3d-42e6-4a5f-9097-96c7eea4f155",
"currently_open": 100,
"remaining": 100,
"achieved": 0
"criteria": [
"qualification_code": 218,
"condition_codes": [
"qualification_code": 220,
"condition_codes": [
"qualification_code": 230,
"range_sets": [
"units": 311,
"to": 1,
"from": 1
"crtd_on": 1505724120171,
"mod_on": 1505724120171