Launching Traffic Channels

Launching Traffic Channels


Launching a “Replica”

Send a POST request to the endpoint /buyers/v2/surveys/{surveyId}/channels

{ "survey_title": "example", "type": "REP" }


Launching a “Specific Audience“

Send a POST request to this endpoint: /buyers/v2/surveys/{surveyId}/channels


{ "survey_title":"example", "type":"SPA", "qualifications":[ { "condition_codes":[ "111", "112" ], "qualification_code":211 } ], "quotas":[ { "buyer_quota_id":"qb1", "required_count":40, "criteria":[ { "qualification_code":211, "condition_codes":[ "111" ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id":"qb2", "required_count":60, "criteria":[ { "qualification_code":211, "condition_codes":[ "112" ] } ] } ] }


Launching a “Targeted List”

Send a POST request to the endpoint /buyers/v2/surveys/{surveyId}/channels

{ "survey_title":"example", "type":"TL", "psids":[ "adb79238-3eee-9c21-f58c-d8c801483001", "adb79238-3eee-9c21-f58c-d8c801483002", "adb79238-3eee-9c21-f58c-d8c801483003" ] }



Status code 201 created


Error Handling

If the Parent survey is not live a Traffic Channel can’t be launched