Activity Log - SNS (Real-time Notification)

Activity Log - SNS (Real-time Notification)

NOTE: This functionality requires an additional step to activate SNS communication in MarketPlace. Please get in touch with your PureSpectrum API reference to use this Document.

Before activating, make sure to have a Webhook URL. Please share the URL for your PS API reference.

When PureSpectrum setup your webhook in the notification service you will receive a payload asking to confirm your subscription.


To confirm your subscription you must visit the SubscribeURL . The confirmation response will look like the following:

Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 10.49.06.png

After you confirm your subscription you will be able to receive events like the following:

The event is delivered as a raw string message that you can parse to JSON and extract the information.

API: Get

The events are stored in PureSpectrum system for 7 days. You can use the endpoint bellow to query the events.



Query Params Details :

{{URL}}/activities/v2/search/events?user=PureSpectrum Platform&trigger=system&startDate=2024-09-20&endDate=2024-09-28&company=3432&page=1&limit=1000&surveys=1017186

Screenshot :


  • Webhook Subscription Notifications in Event API Response

    AUTO CLOSE Automation Cases:

    • The survey is automatically closed if it remains paused for more than 10 days, preventing it from being set live.

    • The survey is automatically closed due to inactivity for over 10 days.

    • The survey is automatically closed if it records 0 completes within 3 days of launch.

    FMA Auto Paused Automation Cases:

    • FMA Auto Paused: The survey is automatically paused if there are 0 valid starts in the last 24 hours.

    • FMA Auto Paused: The survey is automatically paused if no completes are recorded in the last 72 hours.

    • FMA Near Quota Complete: The traffic channel-specific audience survey is auto-launched when the current target for any quota is less than 10.

    • FMA Auto Paused: The survey is automatically paused because Earnings Per Click (EPC) fell below the minimum threshold.

    • FMA Auto Paused: The survey is automatically paused because the Cost Per Interview (CPI) fell below the minimum threshold.

    • FMA Auto Paused: The survey is automatically paused because the Price Per Minute fell below the minimum threshold.

    Soft Launch:

    • The survey was paused upon completion of the soft launch phase.

    • The survey was paused after meeting the defined threshold in the soft launch.

    Goal Achieved:

    • The survey was paused after successfully achieving its goal.

    Auto Invoice:

    • The survey was auto invoiced.


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