Renaming a Quota

Renaming a Quota


In the quota management view for a survey, quotas are labeled according to their condition codes. For example, a quota for “Region Northeast” will read “Northeast” in our quota management UI:


For more complicated nested quotas that could benefit from shorter or more logical names, a request parameter may be passed in that relabels the quota. For example, you may want to relabel “Males 18-24” to “Young Males”.


Wherever a quota is created or updated, you may pass in an optional request parameter “quota_title”.


“quota_title”:”Young Males”

Important Considerations

You may use this on the POST /surveys, POST /surveys/:surveyId/quotas, PUT /surveys, PUT /surveys/:surveyId/quotas endpoints.

The “quota_title” parameter will be returned in the API response wherever a quota is present.


POST $apihost/$basepath/surveys/:surveyId/quotas

($apihost is the environment against which you are testing, and $basepath is the base path with the api version. All Buy API calls will require access-token parameter in the header) 



{ "buyer_quota_id": "qb30", "quota_title":"Fathers of Children ages 4 to 12", "required_count": 200, "criteria": [ {"qualification_code": 230,"range_sets": [{"from": 4,"to": 12,"units": 311}]}, {"qualification_code": 218,"condition_codes": ["111"]}, {"qualification_code": 220,"condition_codes": ["111","112"]}] }


Response Code

201 if POST, 200 if PUT

Response Body

{ "buyer_quota_id": "qb30", "quota_title":"Fathers of Children ages 4 to 12", "required_count": 200, "criteria": [ {"qualification_code": 230,"range_sets": [{"from": 4,"to": 12,"units": 311}]}, {"qualification_code": 218,"condition_codes": ["111"]}, {"qualification_code": 220,"condition_codes": ["111","112"]}]