Reporting - Transaction and Statement
The Fusion reporting portal allows you to download your transactions for a given time period or by specific session statuses. You can also download transactions for a specific billing period.
Once your account is created our team will send you login credentials.
Reports Login
Statement Report
This report allows you to download all transactions which were included in your supplier statement each month.
Once you’ve downloaded the file, you can review your reconciliations (reversals) by filtering on the Respondent Status Code (column O) for status 33.
When reviewing the Survey Status Code column in the data, please refer to our Survey Status Codes for additional information
Transaction Report
Specify Date Range
Specify Session Status
Download Report
Fusion Respondent Statuses
fusion_Drop - respondent dropped while on Fusion screener
fusion_InProgress - respondent is currently answering questions on the Fusion screener
buyer_LowQuality - respondent failed buyer quality checks
complete - respondent completed the survey
termination - respondent was terminated
noAvailableSurveys - there are no available surveys for this respondent based on their profile information
ps_Drop - respondent dropped while on the Platform screener
buyer_Drop - respondent dropped in buyer survey
ps_InProgress - respondent is currently taking the survey
fusion_RedirectHashFailure - respondent failed the outbound URL hash check between the Platform and Fusion systems
fusion_EntryLinkHashFailure - respondent failed the inbound URL hash check between Fusion and Platform
fusion_PublisherInboundHashSecurity - respondent failed the inbound URL hash check between the Publisher and Fusion
fusion_LowQuality - respondent failed the Fusion quality checks
ps_LowQuality - respondent failed the Platform quality checks