Versions Compared


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ps_rstatusstatus codeDescriptionSupplier Redirect TypeCounts against Buyer Incidence RateMay Retake Survey?
12PS Quota FullThe respondent belongs to a quota where remaining=0, and currently_open=0Overquota
If quota reopens or new quota opens
13PS TerminationScreener termination on qualification questions. Recheck survey qualificationsTermination
If qualifications change
14PS Side In ProgressThe Respondent is in ProgressN/A

11PS Drop
15PS QualityDe-Dupe by PureSpectrumSecurity if available, Termination if unavailable
16Buyer In Progress
17Buyer Quota FullBuyer has indicated quota-fullOverquotaxNo
18Buyer TerminationBuyer has disqualified the respondentTerminationxNo
19Buyer DropThe respondent has failed to return to PureSpectrum after three times current LOIN/AxNo
20Buyer Quality TerminationSpeeding, straight-lining, trap questionsQuality if available, Termination if unavailable
22PS Survey Closed TerminationSurvey ClosedOverquota
23PS Survey Paused TerminationSurvey PausedOverquota
24PS Unopened Quota TermQuota has remaining>0, but currently_open=0Termination
25PS Supplier Allocation FullNo completes remaining for this supplier IDTermination
26PS Past Participation_FailCurrently Not In Use

27PS_Supplier_Quota_Allocation_FullCurrently Not In Use

28PS Invalid SurveySurvey is invalid.  Check entry linksTermination

29PS LOI Threshold FailureThe respondent redirected back from the buyer as a complete too quicklyQuality if available, Termination if unavailable
30Buyer Security (De-Dupe)Respondent has already taken survey, caught by the  buyerSecurity if available, Termination if unavailable
31Buyer Hash FailureRespondent has tampered the url, resulting in security hash failureQuality if available, Termination if unavailable
32PS Grouping TerminationRespondent is disqualified from taking the current survey due to grouping rules.  Check grouping rules againSecurity if available, Termination if unavailable
Yes, if exclusion period expires
33Buyer Reconcilliation RejectThe buyer has reconciled the survey, and in this process, a complete has been marked as a termN/A
34PS Temp ExclusionUsed for field management.  Special type of quota that specifies respondents to be currently excluded.Termination
Yes, if temp exclusion is lifted
35Ps_no_matched_quotasRespondent failed to match at least one active quotaTermination
Yes, if a quota is added that the respondent matches
36 ps_max_ip_throttling_terminationThe number of respondents taking the survey has met the max number of concurrent respondents set by the buyerOverquota
37ps_quota_throttling_terminationThe number of respondents taking the survey should satisfy the current target of completes. If more completes are needed, then the supplier_completes.currently_open quantity will increaseOverquota
38PS_PSID_Geo_TerminationThe respondent has previously taken a survey in a different geographySecurity if available, Termination if unavailable
39PS_TrueSample_FailOverall Security FailureSecurity if available, Termination if unavailable


PS_GeoIP_FailRespondent IP fails to match the survey countrySecurity if available, Termination if unavailable


41PS_Bot_FailRespondent is determined to be a botSecurity if available, Termination if unavailable
42PS_BlackList_FailRespondent ip is blacklistedSecurity if available, Termination if unavailable
43PS_Anonymous_FailRespondent tries to be anonymousSecurity if available, Termination if unavailable

44PS_Include_FailRespondent which is not present in the PSIDRef listTermination


45PS Termination ExtendedTermination due to respondent not qualifying based on a profiling variable from the "Extended Profiling Question" class. Recheck survey qualificationsTermination
If qualifications change
46PS Termination CustomTermination due to respondent not qualifying based on a profiling variable from the "Custom Profiling Question" class. Recheck survey qualificationsTermination
If qualifications change
47PS Quota Full ExtendedThe respondent belongs to a quota from the "Extended Profiling Question" class where remaining=0, and currently_open=0Overquota
If quota reopens or new quota opens
48PS Quota Full CustomThe respondent belongs to a quota from the "Custom Profiling Question" class where remaining=0, and currently_open=0Overquota
If quota reopens or new quota opens

The respondent could not enter the survey because their PSID was not on the Include list.  More information about Inlclude/Exclude can be found here:  Include/Exclude PSID'sTerminationNoNo
50PS_Exclude_FailThe respondent could not enter the survey because their PSID is present on the Exclude.  More information about Inlclude/Exclude can be found here:  Include/Exclude PSID'sTerminationNoNo