Sometimes, zipcode and postal code lists may be very large (>10,000 codes), causing issues in API performance. You may pass in an alternate query string parameter in the GET calls, "&postcoderef=1" which will substitute the "condition_codes" array of zipcodes, with an array of postcode list reference id's.
Targeting Criteria Snippet Without Query String Parameter: GET /suppliers/v2/surveys/:survey_id { "qualification_code":229, "condition_code":[ "01234", "01235", "01236" ] } Targeting Criteria Snippet With Query String Parameter: GET /suppliers/v2/surveys/:survey_id?post_code_ref=1 { "qualification_code":229, "condition_code":[ "a1bc0a0aa322ca" ] } GET /suppliers/v2/postcodes/a1bc0a0aa322ca { "01234", "01235", "01236" }
Postcodes and zipcodes are strings. They will always use the qualification code "229".
It is possible that the key "post_code_ref" includes more than one value in its array.
You should check the mod_on date of a quota to determine if the targeting has changed. If the mod_on date has changed, you should check that the value of the post_code_ref has not changed.
The values in the "post_code_ref" list will not change - in the event of a change in targeting, this value will change.