Retrieving the list of suppliers for a Survey


Every survey in PureSpectrum has a list of suppliers that send sample. To check the list of suppliers, and their performance on a survey, you may use this endpoint.


Use the endpoint at GET /surveys/:surveyId/suppliers to fetch the list of suppliers and their performance on survey.

Important Considerations



GET $apihost/$basepath/surveys/:surveyId/suppliers

($apihost is the environment against which you are testing, and $basepath is the base path with the api version. All Buy API calls will require access-token parameter in the header) 

Response Code


Response Body

[ { "group_ref": "abc", "group_name": "PS suppliers", "completes_goal": 100, "remaining": 100, "fielded": 0, "cpi": 6, "intent": { "intent_value": null, "intent_not_set": [ 1, 23 ], "intent_denied": [], "intent_accepted": [] }, "suppliers": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Supplier 1" }, { "id": 23, "name": "Supplier 23" } ] }, { "group_ref": null, "group_name": null, "completes_goal": 100, "remaining": 100, "fielded": 0, "cpi": 4, "last_start_date": "", "intent": { "intent_value": 0 }, "suppliers": [ { "id": 16, "name": "Supplier 16" } ] } ]



GET $apihost/$basepath/surveys/:surveyId/suppliers?stats=1

Query Params:

stats = 1/0 ( 1 to get performance / 0 to not get perfromance )

($apihost is the environment against which you are testing, and $basepath is the base path with the api version. All Buy API calls will require access-token parameter in the header) 

Response Code


Response Body

[ { "group_ref": "abc", "group_name": "PS suppliers", "completes_goal": 100, "remaining": 100, "fielded": 0, "cpi": 6, "intent": { "intent_value": 50, "intent_not_set": [ 1 ], "intent_denied": [ 23 ], "intent_accepted": [] }, "suppliers": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Supplier 1" }, { "id": 23, "name": "Supplier 23" } ], "performance": [ { "name": "PS_Termination_Core", "count": 1, "percentage_of_supplier_total": 11, "supplier_share_status": 100 }, { "name": "PS_Side_In_Progress", "count": 2, "percentage_of_supplier_total": 22, "supplier_share_status": 100 }, { "name": "Complete", "count": 6, "percentage_of_supplier_total": 66, "supplier_share_status": 75 } ], "valid_clicks": 6, "valid_click_cost": 3.5, "valid_click_percentage": 67, "total_click_cost": 2.33 }, { "group_ref": null, "group_name": null, "completes_goal": 100, "remaining": 98, "fielded": 2, "cpi": 4.17, "last_start_date": 1576129870101, "intent": { "intent_value": 32 }, "suppliers": [ { "id": 190, "name": null } ], "performance": [ { "name": "Complete", "count": 2, "percentage_of_supplier_total": 100, "supplier_share_status": 25 } ], "valid_clicks": 2, "valid_click_cost": 2.92, "valid_click_percentage": 100, "total_click_cost": 2.92 } ]