Update a PSIDref List

Follow the format below to update a PSIDref List


There are 2 ways to update the PSIDref list. 

1: You may change 1 item in the list using a PATCH call.

2: You may replace the entire contents of the list using a PUT api call. 

PUT endpoint is not yet available in dev.

Option 1 - PATCH API Call:

Valid operations for the PATCH endpoint are "add" & "remove" - "replace" operations will be ignored.

The entire PSIDref list will be returned in the response with http code 200.

Sample Request for Add: 

PATCH surveys/:survey_id/PSIDref
    "operation": "add"


Response Code


Response Body

    "PSIDRef": [

Sample Request for Remove:

PATCH surveys/:survey_id/PSIDref
    "operation": "remove"


Response Code


Response Body

    "PSIDRef": [

Option 2 - PUT API Call:

Not yet available in dev.

The entire PSIDref list will be returned in the response with http code 200.

Sample Request: 

PUT surveys/:survey_id/PSIDref
    "PSIDRef": [


Response Code


Response Body

    "PSIDRef": [