Survey with Age, Income, Gender Qualifications and Quotas

Create a survey with Age, Income, and Gender qualifications and quotas. The survey is looking for both males and females, in the age range of 21-29, 40-59, and who earn between 50,000 and 100,000 USD (house hold income if not single). Note the gap in the age range - the survey is not looking for anyone in the age range 30-39. 

In terms of quotas, the survey is looking or 400 males and 600 females; 200, 26-29 300 respondents, and age-range 40-59 500 respondents. There is no quotas set on income. 

The response object also has the ps_quota_id for each of the quota that was created. The buyer has the option of referring to quotas either through the ps_quota_id or their own buyer_quota_id. If a survey was created through the API, but the user added quotas through the UI, they buyer currently cannot assign a quota_id to the quota created via the UI. In that scenario, the buyer will have to use the ps_quota_id to access the quota created through the UI. 

(testcase id: bapit-2)


POST $apihost/$basepath/surveys

($apihost is the environment against which you are testing, and $basepath is the base path with the api version. All Buy API calls will require access-token parameter in the header) 



{ "survey_title": "Sample Survey for Age Income Gender bapit-2", "survey_category_code": 231, "survey_localization": "en_US", "completes_required": 1000, "expected_ir": 60, "expected_loi": 60, "offer_price": 4.5, "live_url": "", "test_url": "", "field_time": 10, "billing_id": "PS_123456", "qualifications": [ { "qualification_code": 211, "condition_codes": [ "111", "112" ] }, { "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "from": 21, "to": 59, "units": 311 } ] }, { "qualification_code": 213, "range_sets": [ { "from": 50000, "to": 100000, "units": 321 } ] } ], "quotas": [ { "buyer_quota_id": "qb12", "required_count": 400, "criteria": [{"qualification_code": 211,"condition_codes": ["111"]}] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "qb13", "required_count": 600, "criteria": [{"qualification_code": 211,"condition_codes": ["112"]}] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "qb14", "required_count": 200, "criteria": [{"qualification_code": 212,"range_sets": [{"from": 21,"to": 25,"units": 311}]}] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "qb15", "required_count": 300, "criteria": [{"qualification_code": 212,"range_sets": [{"from": 26,"to": 29,"units": 311}]}] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "qb16", "required_count": 500, "criteria": [{"qualification_code": 212,"range_sets": [{"from": 30,"to": 59,"units": 311}]}] } ] }



Response Code


Response Body

{ "survey_title": "Sample Survey for Age Income Gender bapit-2", "survey_category_code": 231, "completes_required": 1000, "live_url": "", "test_url": "", "field_time": 10, "offer_price": 4.5, "ps_survey_status": 11, "expected_loi": 60, "expected_ir": 60, "ps_survey_id": 3429, "mod_on": 1490012784439, "crtd_on": 1490011568138, "test_ps_survey_entry_link": "", "survey_localization": "en_US", "billing_id": "PS_123456", "qualifications": [ { "condition_codes": [ "111", "112" ], "qualification_code": 211 }, { "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "from": 21, "to": 29, "units": 311 }, { "from": 40, "to": 59, "units": 311 } ] }, { "qualification_code": 213, "range_sets": [ { "from": 50000, "to": 100000, "units": 321 } ] } ], "quotas": [ { "buyer_quota_id": "qb12", "ps_quota_id": "ac03018d-0df5-4bed-bf7f-857446ae2f74", "required_count": 400, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 211, "condition_codes": [ "111" ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "qb13", "ps_quota_id": "e28bb72b-f4db-4f2c-9395-e2e1c9ea5fe9", "required_count": 600, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 211, "condition_codes": [ "112" ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "qb14", "ps_quota_id": "3db1e7a2-f09d-43c5-98ef-fd4d1d4d1538", "required_count": 200, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "from": "21", "to": "25", "units": 311 } ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "qb15", "ps_quota_id": "09ac6704-af70-4cf6-b8ca-639061cca0b7", "required_count": 300, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "from": "26", "to": "29", "units": 311 } ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "qb16", "ps_quota_id": "afd60549-4333-4136-ac27-b0da95f2f84e", "required_count": 500, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "from": "40", "to": "59", "units": 311 } ] } ] } ] }

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