Survey with Condition Grouping in Quotas
Survey with Condition Grouping in Quotas
This survey is looking for 1000 completes. The survey requires 300 Hispanics, but the remaining 700 can be any ethnicity. Setting a quota for 300 Hispanics will instruct the platform to target for 300, no more and no less. You will then need to specify a quota for the remaining condition_codes as specified in the example below.
Create Survey with Ethnicity quota
POST $apihost/$basepath/surveys
($apihost is the environment against which you are testing, and $basepath is the base path with the api version. All Buy API calls will require access-token parameter in the header)
"survey_title": "Popular TV shows bapit-6",
"survey_category_code": 231,
"survey_localization": "en_US",
"completes_required": 1000,
"expected_ir": 60,
"expected_loi": 60,
"live_url": "https://my.survey.com?survey_id=1234",
"test_url": "https://my.survey.com?survey_id=1234&test=1",
"field_time": 10,
"qualifications": [
"qualification_code": 214,
"condition_codes": [
"111", "112","113","114","115","116","117"
"quotas": [
"buyer_quota_id": "qb512",
"required_count": 300,
"criteria": [{"qualification_code": 214,"condition_codes": ["112"]}]
"buyer_quota_id": "qb513",
"required_count": 700,
"criteria": [{"qualification_code": 214,"condition_codes": ["111","113","114","115","116","117"]}]
Response Code
Response Body
"ps_survey_id": 155,
"live_ps_survey_entry_link": "http://www.spectrumsurveys.com/155",
"test_ps_survey_entry_link": "http://www.spectrumsurveys.com/155t",
"ps_survey_status": 11,
"survey_title": "Popular TV shows",
"survey_category_code": 112,
"survey_localization": "en_US",
"completes_required": 1000,
"expected_ir": 60,
"expected_loi": 60,
"live_url": "https://my.survey.com?survey_id=1234",
"test_url": "https://my.survey.com?survey_id=1234&test=1",
"field_time": 10,
"quotas": [
"ps_quota_id": "ps93k49",
"buyer_quota_id": "qb512",
"required_count": 300,
"criteria": [{"qualification_code": 214,"condition_codes": ["112"]}]
"ps_quota_id": "abs45xx",
"buyer_quota_id": "qb513",
"required_count": 700,
"criteria": [{"qualification_code": 214,"condition_codes": ["111","113","114","115","116","117"]}]
Supporting notes