Request and Response parameters
Request and Response parameters
Resource: /surveys
POST Creates a new survey on the PureSpectrum platform
Request object:
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Has Children | Description | Example |
survey_title | string | X | The name of the survey. | "survey_title": "Test survey name - US", | |
survey_category_code | integer | X | The PureSpectrum category the survey belongs to. More information about survey category codes can be found here: Survey Category Codes | "survey_category_code": 231, | |
survey_localization | string | X | The country and language in which the survey is to be fielded. Must be a valid PureSpectrum localization code. | "survey_localization": "en_US", | |
completes_required | integer | X | The number of completes the survey needs to record via the PureSpectrum platform. | "completes_required": 300, | |
incl_excl | integer | Sets whether or not the survey includes a PSID reference list. 0 - false, 1 - true. Default value: 0. | "incl_excl":0, | ||
click_balancing | integer | Sets whether or not the survey be tracked by clicks or completes. Clicks are calculated as completes/incidence rate. | "click_balancing": 0, | ||
expected_ir | integer | X | Sets the expected Incidence Rate in percentages. | "expected_ir": 10, | |
expected_loi | integer | X | Sets the expected Length of Interview in minutes. | "expected_loi": 10, | |
live_url | string | X | Live survey entry URL. | "live_url": "http://b_emulator.purespectrum.net:3000/emulated_surveys", | |
test_url | string | Test survey entry URL. | "test_url": "http://b_emulator.purespectrum.net:3000/emulated_surveys", | ||
field_time | integer | X | Number of days the survey is be in filed. | "field_time": 10, | |
global_flexibility | integer | Sets the value for Allocation Flexibility across all Suppliers | "global_flexibility": 66 | ||
buyer_message | string | Additional instructions for Suppliers. | "buyer_message":"lorem ipsum", | ||
billing_id | string | Use this field to assign a billing ID. Surveys with the same billing ID will be grouped together on a single line on the invoice. | "billing_id":"abc123" | ||
qualifications | array | Array of qualifications and condition codes for the survey. | See below | ||
quotas | array |
Example of Survey without qualifications or quotas
Request object, quotas and qualifications:
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Parent | Has children | Description | |
qualification_code | integer | X | qualifications | The PureSpectrum code for the required qualifications. PureSpectrum Qualification Codes can be found here: Qualification & Condition Codes | "qualification_code": 211, | |
condition_codes | array | qualifications | Array of Conditions codes required for a Qualification. More information: Qualification & Condition Codes | "condition_codes": [ "111", "112" ] | ||
range_sets | array | qualifications | Y | Defines the criteria by which range qualifications are defined. See example for child options. | "range_sets": [{ "from": 18,"to": 99,"units": 311}] | |
buyer_quota_id | string | X | quotas | Buyer's unique ID for the respective qualification quota. | "buyer_quota_id": "m18-24", | |
required_count | integer | X | quotas | The number of completes required for respective quota. | "required_count": 100, | |
criteria | array | quotas | Y | The criteria to be met for the associated quota_id | "criteria": [{ "qualification_code": 211, "condition_codes": ["112"] }] |
Example of Survey with Age, Income, Gender Qualifications and Quotas
, multiple selections available,
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