Template API

Template API


Buyers can now select the template via API. The Template API allows a buyer to create a survey based on a template without specifying other settings. Buyers can use the API and add the template ID to use during the survey creation.


  • Allow buyers to use a template via API

  • Buyers need only to specify the ID of the template

  • Buyers can check the list of template-id via API

    • The API returns

      • Title

      • Template ID

      • Template name

      • Folder name

  • Any template survey created via API template can be managed via UI.

  • Any survey created via API template will have the template selected.


  • Buyer account must have the template feature activated

  • Buyers can use only the accessible templates

    • Own templates: Created by the buyer

    • Default templates: Created by PS Product team and accessible to any buyer

    • Shared templates: Created by PS Support and accessible to a specific buyer

  • Buyers can select only one template.

API Specification:

GET templates API for API users:

GET <SERVER_BASE_URL>/buyers/v2/templates?UI=0


[ { "folder": "CA-en", "templates": [ { "id": 26, "name": "Province qual", "title": "Template - Non US countries" } ] }, { "folder": "Austria-German", "templates": [ { "id": 30, "name": "Age, Education, Postal codes", "title": "Austria - German" } ] } ]

GET templates API for UI users:

GET <SERVER_BASE_URL>/buyers/v2/templates?UI=1


[ { "folder": "CA-en", "templates": [ { "id": 26, "name": "Province qual", "title": "Template - Non US countries", "owner": 145, "shared_with": [ 145 ], "isOwner": true, "is_service_buyer": false } ] }, { "folder": "Austria-German", "templates": [ { "id": 30, "name": "Age, Education, Postal codes", "title": "Austria - German", "owner": 145, "shared_with": [ 145 ], "isOwner": true, "is_service_buyer": false } ] } ]

POST survey API - When in payload buyer passes a template-id, but the template feature is not enabled for him:

POST - <SERVER_BASE_URL>/buyers/v2/surveys


{ "survey_title": "Some survey check - FOLDER 4 ", "click_balancing": 0, "estimated_clicks": 0, "survey_category_code": 232, "survey_localization": "en_US", "completes_required": 20, "expected_ir": 50, "expected_loi": 5, "field_time": 23, "source": "platform", "buyer_user_id": 51, "buyer_company": 145, "template_id": 100, "qualifications": [ { "qualification_name": "Gender", "qualification_code": 211, "condition_codes": [ "111" ], "condition_names": [ { "111": "Male" } ] }, { "qualification_name": "Age", "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "from": 18, "to": 99, "units": 311 } ] } ], "quotas": [ { "buyer_quota_id": "6FLMpfWu9rzNmW9", "required_count": 10, "flexible": { "enable": true, "value": 0 }, "criteria": [ { "qualification_name": "Gender", "qualification_code": 211, "condition_codes": [ "111" ], "condition_names": [ "Male" ] } ], "percentage": 100, "maximum": 10, "minimum": 10, "quota_category": "layered", "current_target": 10 } ] }

Response - 403 Forbidden:

{ "ps_api_response_code": 1018, "ps_api_response_message": "You do not have the template feature activated. Please ask your PureSpectrum reference to activate it in order to use a template in a survey." }


POST survey API - When in payload buyer passes a template he does not have access to.

POST - <SERVER_BASE_URL>/buyers/v2/surveys


{ "survey_title": "Some survey check - FOLDER 4 ", "click_balancing": 0, "estimated_clicks": 0, "survey_category_code": 232, "survey_localization": "en_US", "completes_required": 20, "expected_ir": 50, "expected_loi": 5, "field_time": 23, "source": "platform", "buyer_user_id": 51, "buyer_company": 145, "template_id": 100, "qualifications": [ { "qualification_name": "Gender", "qualification_code": 211, "condition_codes": [ "111" ], "condition_names": [ { "111": "Male" } ] }, { "qualification_name": "Age", "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "from": 18, "to": 99, "units": 311 } ] } ], "quotas": [ { "buyer_quota_id": "6FLMpfWu9rzNmW9", "required_count": 10, "flexible": { "enable": true, "value": 0 }, "criteria": [ { "qualification_name": "Gender", "qualification_code": 211, "condition_codes": [ "111" ], "condition_names": [ "Male" ] } ], "percentage": 100, "maximum": 10, "minimum": 10, "quota_category": "layered", "current_target": 10 } ] }

Response - 404 Not Found:

{ "ps_api_response_code": 1006, "ps_api_response_message": "Template Id does not exist. Please try a different Template id again." }

POST survey API - When the buyer passes the correct template Id in the payload

POST <SERVER_BASE_URL>/buyers/v2/surveys


{ "survey_title": "Some survey check - FOLDER 4 ", "click_balancing": 0, "estimated_clicks": 0, "survey_category_code": 232, "survey_localization": "en_US", "completes_required": 20, "expected_ir": 50, "expected_loi": 5, "field_time": 23, "source": "platform", "buyer_user_id": 51, "buyer_company": 145, "template_id": 15, "qualifications": [ { "qualification_name": "Gender", "qualification_code": 211, "condition_codes": [ "111" ], "condition_names": [ { "111": "Male" } ] }, { "qualification_name": "Age", "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "from": 18, "to": 99, "units": 311 } ] } ], "quotas": [ { "buyer_quota_id": "6FLMpfWu9rzNmW9", "required_count": 10, "flexible": { "enable": true, "value": 0 }, "criteria": [ { "qualification_name": "Gender", "qualification_code": 211, "condition_codes": [ "111" ], "condition_names": [ "Male" ] } ], "percentage": 100, "maximum": 10, "minimum": 10, "quota_category": "layered", "current_target": 10 } ] }


{ "qbp": { "enable": false }, "qlc": { "enable": false, "multiple_quotas": { "enable": false, "count_by_quota": false, "compensate_by_quota": false } }, "soft_launch": { "enable": false }, "unique_links": { "enable": false }, "click_balancing": 0, "estimated_clicks": 0, "survey_external_id": "", "ps_survey_status": 11, "offer_price": null, "incl_excl": 0, "quota_throttling": false, "url_transform": false, "subscriber_emails": [], "survey_title": "Some survey check - FOLDER 4 ", "survey_category_code": 232, "completes_required": 20, "field_time": 23, "buyer_message": null, "live_url": null, "billing_id": null, "test_url": null, "expected_loi": 5, "expected_ir": 50, "ps_survey_id": 7224, "buyer_surveygroup_ref": null, "buyer_surveygroup_refs": [], "test_ps_survey_entry_link": "<SERVER_BASE_URL>/#/start-survey?survey_id=7224&ps_redirect_test=1&bsec=a70mx8&supplier_id=23", "survey_localization": "en_US", "uniqueLinks": false, "quotas": [ { "buyer_quota_id": "6FLMpfWu9rzNmW9", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "24e108ba-52a2-4cb4-b0de-bfc2ce3d5e0d", "required_count": 10, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 211, "condition_codes": [ "111" ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "Fb59GnI9McQiChv", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "f449cda3-9057-4a85-b644-e76e98925e6f", "required_count": 3, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "units": 311, "to": 24, "from": 18 } ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "ktqHNWN4iaHaXb0", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "25063b45-cbd1-41c7-8e65-b20a38735ef0", "required_count": 4, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "units": 311, "to": 34, "from": 25 } ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "9B8CMbUtjFk2bcF", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "5a95cc5b-113d-4960-b7fe-33b1a04aab13", "required_count": 4, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "units": 311, "to": 44, "from": 35 } ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "8B6zGN8nZEbZw0h", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "56b866e7-f393-49b8-b8f5-46e5f4d3a641", "required_count": 4, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "units": 311, "to": 54, "from": 45 } ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "i0CTmg5JSOhdbQm", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "4dbc815d-c2b0-477e-9235-bc6b8d2f1af0", "required_count": 2, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "units": 311, "to": 64, "from": 55 } ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "nc72SEKeiQzLrmd", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "c51b4d66-26ae-4e3e-b9ea-e63ad8e1b530", "required_count": 3, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 212, "range_sets": [ { "units": 311, "to": 99, "from": 65 } ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "j9ngS035dctudCj", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "e6370044-d937-4550-8507-0fdd38c41857", "required_count": 10, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 215, "condition_codes": [ "115" ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "tSXFolsOZNJLL0D", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "f5902189-d91b-4c40-908a-dd1e0d58ec83", "required_count": 2, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 215, "condition_codes": [ "112" ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "tN68egepVpRMw3c", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "018d5869-51a5-4e05-aeb3-c7acf900adf2", "required_count": 8, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 215, "condition_codes": [ "114", "113", "111" ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "ezMmiczGeC3EaoE", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "42199aa0-b8e6-476f-aa6f-89db722489ec", "required_count": 8, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 229, "condition_codes": [ "91945", "91950" ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "FTiTvZ9yTAIqlN1", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "32963ec6-56f3-4645-92d8-cf3d3c7f1e02", "required_count": 12, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 229, "condition_codes": [ "91977", "91978" ] } ] } ], "qualifications": [ { "condition_codes": [ "111" ], "qualification_code": 211 }, { "range_sets": [ { "units": 311, "to": 99, "from": 18 } ], "qualification_code": 212 }, { "condition_codes": [ "114", "113", "115", "112", "111" ], "qualification_code": 215 }, { "condition_codes": [ "91945", "91950", "91977", "91978" ], "qualification_code": 229 } ], "is_feot_enabled": false, "survey_grouping": [], "blend_id": "sb29b41342ac", "schedule_launch": { "enable": false, "info": { "date": null, "hours": null, "minutes": null, "timezone": null, "dateTimeInISO": null } }, "price_reco": false, "project_creation_date": "2022-07-06T05:46:26.670Z", "project_last_complete_date": null, "template_id": 15 }

PUT survey API - When in payload buyer passes a template id, but template feature is not enabled for him.

PUT <SERVER_BASE_URL>/buyers/v2/surveys/7134

Same request and response payload as POST survey API

PUT survey API - When in payload buyer passes a template he does not have access to.

PUT <SERVER_BASE_URL>/buyers/v2/surveys/7134

Same request and response payload as POST survey API

PUT survey API - When the buyer passes the correct template Id in the payload

PUT <SERVER_BASE_URL>/buyers/v2/surveys/7134

Same request and response payload as POST survey API

PUT survey API - When the buyer passes a different template id than the one used in the survey

PUT <SERVER_BASE_URL>/buyers/v2/surveys/7134

Same request payload as POST survey API


{ "ps_api_response_code": 1014, "ps_api_response_message": "You can only apply one template to a survey. Please consider creating a new survey to use this template." }

PUT survey API - When the buyer passes the template id but the survey does not use any template

PUT <SERVER_BASE_URL>/buyers/v2/surveys/7135

Same request and response payload as POST survey API

{ "ps_api_response_code": 1014, "ps_api_response_message": "Template Id cannot be applied. Create a new survey to use this template." }


Inherit the metadata template value if the payload doesn’t have them.
POST survey API

POST <SERVER_BASE_URL>/buyers/v2/surveys


Request Payload:

{ "template_id": 5 }



{ "qbp": { "enable": false }, "qlc": { "enable": false, "multiple_quotas": { "enable": false, "count_by_quota": false, "compensate_by_quota": false } }, "soft_launch": { "enable": false }, "unique_links": { "enable": false }, "click_balancing": 0, "estimated_clicks": 0, "survey_external_id": "", "ps_survey_status": 11, "offer_price": null, "incl_excl": 0, "quota_throttling": false, "url_transform": false, "subscriber_emails": [], "survey_title": "Template Update : Pooja", "survey_category_code": 232, "completes_required": 100, "field_time": 5, "buyer_message": null, "live_url": null, "billing_id": null, "test_url": null, "expected_loi": 23, "expected_ir": 34, "ps_survey_id": 383244, "buyer_surveygroup_ref": null, "buyer_surveygroup_refs": [], "test_ps_survey_entry_link": "https://qa1-api.spectrumsurveys.com/#/start-survey?survey_id=383244&ps_redirect_test=1&bsec=a70mx8&supplier_id=23", "survey_localization": "en_US", "uniqueLinks": false, "quotas": [ { "buyer_quota_id": "v11eMeGAyRyYday", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "b0a9a463-5a0c-4540-8a0e-101d46abeeb0", "required_count": 50, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 229, "condition_codes": [ "91945", "91977" ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "SJFDq4ZrU1F8ml8", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "fcc44770-a1f4-4a4f-8754-010bef62aa94", "required_count": 50, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 229, "condition_codes": [ "91950", "91978" ] } ] } ], "qualifications": [ { "range_sets": [ { "units": 311, "to": 99, "from": 18 } ], "qualification_code": 212 }, { "condition_codes": [ "91945", "91950", "91977", "91978" ], "qualification_code": 229 } ], "is_feot_enabled": false, "survey_grouping": [], "blend_id": null, "schedule_launch": { "enable": false, "info": { "date": null, "hours": null, "minutes": null, "timezone": null, "dateTimeInISO": null } }, "price_reco": false, "project_creation_date": "2022-07-27T14:37:31.250Z", "project_last_complete_date": null, "template_id": 5 }


UI view of this survey:


PUT survey API

PUT <SERVER_BASE_URL>/buyers/v2/surveys/survey_id


Request Payload:

{ "template_id": 5 }



{ "qbp": { "enable": false }, "qlc": { "enable": false, "multiple_quotas": { "enable": false, "count_by_quota": false, "compensate_by_quota": false } }, "soft_launch": { "enable": false }, "unique_links": { "enable": false }, "click_balancing": 0, "estimated_clicks": 0, "survey_external_id": "", "ps_survey_status": 22, "offer_price": 10, "incl_excl": 0, "quota_throttling": false, "url_transform": false, "subscriber_emails": [ "michaelb@purespectrum.net" ], "survey_title": "Template Update : Pooja", "survey_category_code": 232, "completes_required": 400, "field_time": 5, "buyer_message": null, "live_url": "http://b_emulator.purespectrum.net:3000/emulated_surveyss", "billing_id": "PS383451", "test_url": "http://b_emulator.purespectrum.net:3000/emulated_surveyss", "expected_loi": 23, "expected_ir": 34, "ps_survey_id": 383451, "buyer_surveygroup_ref": null, "buyer_surveygroup_refs": [], "test_ps_survey_entry_link": "https://qa1-api.spectrumsurveys.com/#/start-survey?survey_id=383451&ps_redirect_test=1&bsec=a70mx8&supplier_id=23", "survey_localization": "es_US", "uniqueLinks": false, "quotas": [ { "buyer_quota_id": "v11eMeGAyRyYday", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "cef4d8a1-6821-4e87-92c8-d0fbea1db32c", "required_count": 50, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 229, "condition_codes": [ "91945", "91977" ] } ] }, { "buyer_quota_id": "SJFDq4ZrU1F8ml8", "quota_title": "", "ps_quota_id": "8b8827e1-0237-41c1-a470-416370a7a220", "required_count": 50, "criteria": [ { "qualification_code": 229, "condition_codes": [ "91950", "91978" ] } ] } ], "qualifications": [ { "range_sets": [ { "units": 311, "to": 99, "from": 18 } ], "qualification_code": 212 }, { "condition_codes": [ "91945", "91950", "91977", "91978" ], "qualification_code": 229 } ], "is_feot_enabled": false, "survey_grouping": [ 383451 ], "blend_id": null, "schedule_launch": { "enable": false, "info": {} }, "price_reco": false, "project_creation_date": "2022-07-28T13:13:25.349Z", "project_last_complete_date": null, "template_id": 5 }


If the user specifies in the payload these values, they will be overridden in both POST and PUT API.
Values are:

  • Completes

  • IR

  • LOI

  • Category

  • Country

  • Language

  • Title

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