Buyer API Fail Detection
Description: This API checks for the Open-Ended (OE) survey responses to ensure data quality. It performs language comparison, AI-generated answer detection, exclusion list checks, and response deduplication. Implement the API endpoint after every open-ended question into your survey.
Language Mismatch: Compares the language of the OE answer with the survey language determined from the transaction ID.
AI Detection: Detects patterns to flag if the answer is AI-generated content.
Excluded text: Flags any unacceptable responses such as jibberish, curse words, etc.
PureText Deduplication: Ensures the answer's uniqueness through deduplication.
PureText should only be used:
For expected responses with at least one meaningful sentence (not categorical responses such as brand names, people and place names, slang, etc)
Expected responses are in the same language as survey language (For example, if the survey is in French, response should be only in French)
POST $apihost/$basepath/transactions/ps_api_fail
($apihost is the environment against which you are testing, $basepath is the base path with the api version. All Buy API calls will require access-token parameter in the header.)
"question_id": "alpha numberic",
"text": "string",
"transacion_id": "2W6ZHlCrBZIgyf9kH04Stb"
Response Body:
"transaction_id": "2W6ZHlCrBZIgyf9kH04Stb",
"buyer_ps_api_fail": true,
If "buyer_ps_api_fail": true
terminate the session with status code 84.
Response Codes:
200 OK
: The validation process was completed successfully.400 Bad Request
: Invalid input or missing fields in the payload.
The API can only be used for valid transactions.
"ps_buy_api_status_code": 1014,
"ps_api_response_message": "Invalid transaction"
The API requires all parameters to be valid and present.
Example 1 for a termination due to AI detection:
Response which results in a termination:
Example 2 for a termination due to PureText Deduplication:
Response which results in a termination: