Modular Survey | PS <> Buyer rules and API instructions
Rules and Instructions:
Buyer should use these two endpoints created by PureSpectrum:
(API) Endpoints 1: YELLOW FLOW - Can validate the Respondent with PureSpectrum:
This endpoint is used to Validate the PSID if it belongs to a supplier that agreed to work with a Modular survey - In case the PSID is valid, the endpoint returns a new Transaction ID (modular transaction)
Buyer needs to capture from the Buyer/Live URL these 3 parameters:
Survey ID: Survey identification →
Supplier ID: Supplier identification →
Transaction ID: Transaction identification →
(core transaction)NOTE: Make sure the 3 variables are enabled in Buyer settings
(API) Endpoints 2: BLUE FLOW - When the respondent finalizes the screener or the modular study, use this endpoint to register the respondent as Complete
Buyer should redirect the Respondent to the PS redirect link
only at the end of the survey on these 2 occasions:Respondent is not qualified → Buyer terminated (18)
Respondent completed the study → Complete (21)
In both cases, Buyer has to redirect and pass the 1st Transaction ID (core transaction) received.
NOTE: In case Buyer use a Transaction ID generated for a modular survey, the system will continue to accept the value and redirect the respondent to correspondent supplier.
Buyer - Survey Creation in Marketplace:
Create only one single survey and on the Launch page on Marketplace activate the feature
Modular Launch
Download the report from the survey dashboard (UI) in order to fetch the transaction IDs created through the ENDPOINT 1 (YELLOW FLOW). Use the column "MODULAR Survey“, and filter by the value TRUE
Modular Transaction
Buyer Note:
The operator should activate a configuration flag under Configuration Settings - Modular Survey
Buyer should activate the supplier ID, survey ID, and transaction ID on the Buyer settings page.
Buyer Settings:
Suppliers to enable:
Suppliers that agreed to work with Modular Survey:
Note: David Breihan is working to onboard more supplier. The list is might not up to date.
All our APIs are protected and they can be used only through an API token linked to your account. Please read this document before using the following endpoints.
(API) Endpoints 1: Validate the Transaction and create a new Transaction
Use this API to validate the Respondent and in case of a valid transaction.
Buyer must send the survey_id, supplier_id, and transaction_id (core transaction) in the API.
($apihost is the environment against which you are testing, and $basepath is the base path with the api version. All Buy API calls will require access-token parameter in the header)
POST $apihost/$basepath/buyers/v2/surveys/SURVEY_ID/transactions?supplier_id=SUPPLIER_ID&transaction_id=TRANSACTION_ID
Body (Optional if data is sent via URL):
"supplier_id": 2,
"transaction_id": "40AekOxWhKu8hffwcm7LC7"
Response (Transaction is valid for next study):
"transaction_id": "01vA34sCj8wffKBmelT6xT"
Response (Transaction is NOT valid for next study):
Response (Supplier did NOT agree to Modular Survey):
(API) Endpoints 2: Register the Transaction as Complete
Use this API to complete a transaction (modular transaction).
Response 200 OK:
In case the survey uses the CPI override or fixed, the CPI associated with the new transaction is the same as the original transaction.
In case the survey uses the dynamic price or dynamic CPI, the CPI associated with the new transaction is the one calculated within the last block.
Buyer should always use the original transaction (core TX) to request a new transaction for a respondent eligible for modular study.
Buyers should always use the API endpoint 2 to register the TX as Complete or any other status.
Buyer should always redirect the respondent using the
page and the initial transaction (core transaction)
Not developed:
Assign a different CPI to any new transaction. Buyer might have a different CPI if the respondent complete a modular or long form study.
Supplier is not advised if the respondent completed a modular study. They should provide an Endpoint that allow PureSpectrum to send the details.