Bypassing Automatic Variable Mapping

Bypassing Automatic Variable Mapping

Only available to UI buyers at this time.


PureSpectrum’s “Automatic Variable Mapping” tool is designed with simplicity in mind - helping your team skip the confusion and error that comes with setting up survey links with appropriate transaction variables. While the automatic variable mapping tool works out of the box for most users - some users have special link requirements that are incompatible with the Automatic Variable Mapping tool. For these users, we offer a feature that disables “automatic” variable mapping, and enables “manual” variable mapping.

Use Cases

  • If your link requires the transaction id as a “path” variable instead of a query string parameter

  • If your survey is using a link format that is different from your standard link format

  • If you use multiple survey platforms, and require different link formats for different surveys


To activate this feature - please contact your Client Success representative, or email support@purespectrum.com

To disable automatic variable mapping - check the box below the “Test URL” that reads “Disable Automatic Variable Mapping”.

After you have disabled the automatic variable mapping - you will need to make sure the “transaction_id” variable is present in your links above.

To insert the value of the respondent’s transaction id into your link, insert [%%ps_transaction_id%%] into your link.

When a respondent is redirected to your survey, their entry link will contain the PureSpectrum transaction_id. This value of the respondent’s transaction_id will be inserted where you have specified.


Important Considerations

  • The transaction_id is a critical component of the link. You will not be able to launch a study if your survey has “Disable Automatic Variable Mapping” checked, and the Live URL is missing the variable [%%ps_transaction_id%%]

  • In order to complete the transaction, you will still need to return the respondent back to PureSpectrum using the format: https://spectrumsurveys.com/surveydone?transaction_id=[%%ps_transaction_id%%]&st=[%%st%%] where st is the status code of the respondent.

If you need help looking up status codes, please contact your Client Success representative, or email support@purespectrum.com

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